Guaranteed Ride Home


You can use the Guaranteed Ride Home program up to four times a year up to a maximum of $100.  The maximum for a single ride is $45. Only trips to home, a hospital, daycare facility, school, or to a park-and-ride facility are covered.

Funded through a federal grant to promote public-transit use, Metro’s Guaranteed Ride Home will reimburse you up to four times per calendar year up to a maximum of $100. The maximum for a single taxi ride is $45. Reimbursement is made when unplanned overtime or an unexpected emergency occurs during your normal workday. Only trips from work to home, a hospital, daycare facility, school, or to a park-and-ride facility are covered. You must be registered for the Guaranteed Ride Home program at the time you request reimbursement.


Joining is easy! Simply fill out the online application below or call 513-632-7575 for more information.

Get Reimbursed

Members of this program can be reimbursed by filling out the Guaranteed Ride Home Reimbursement form and mailing it to:

Guaranteed Ride Home
525 Vine Street, Ste. 500
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Be sure to include the receipt for your taxi fare with the reimbursement form.