Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Metro is committed to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) involvement in transit projects and purchasing.

We welcome the opportunity to work with all businesses, including:

  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
  • Minority Business Enterprises (MBE)
  • Women’s Business Enterprises (WBE)
  • Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBE)
  • Small Business Enterprises (SBE).

Contact Information

Contact the DBE program for information on doing business with Metro.

Regulations and Certifications

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation, DBE regulations, 49 CFR Part 26, it is Metro’s policy to utilize ready, willing, and able disadvantaged and small businesses and to use the best efforts possible to level the playing field in the market place by ensuring these firms have the opportunity to participate in the procurement process. Metro has established race-conscious and race-neutral initiatives in the DBE annual and contract specific goals to provide opportunities in all procurement activities.

DBE* firms must be certified by the Ohio Department of Transportation Unified Certification Program (UCP), the City of Cincinnati Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office, or the Ohio Department of Administrative Services at the time of bid submission. Metro reserves the right to accept or reject a firm’s certification from other agencies on a case-by-case basis. In making this determination Metro will evaluate whether the certification was conducted under the standards of the certifying agency.

Public Notice

This notice is to inform interested parties that the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) is proposing a “Disadvantage Business Enterprise” (DBE) Participation Goal of 8.5% for Federal Fiscal Years 2024, 2025, 2026 for projects funded, in part, by federal funds.  These projects involve SORTA’s construction projects and security-related goods and services.

The percentage goal was established based on the work tasks, percentage of disadvantaged business population in Ohio, historical DBE percentages, The City of Cincinnati’s Disparity Study, ODOT’s Availability Study and Hamilton County’s disparity study, past DBE County contracting experience and ODOT’s DBE directory.  This notice also is to inform that the DBE Goal of 8.5% will commence in the FFY 2024 and through the FFY 2026.

If you wish to comment on the proposed goal and its rationale, both may be inspected during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday at the address listed below, or, electronically via email.  Comments will be accepted on the goal and rationale for 30 days from the date of this notice.  Comments may be sent to the address below:

Tara Walker

Senior Manager of Vendor Diversity and Inclusion

Notice of Public Hearing

In an effort to comply with Federal Regulations 49 CFR Part 26, the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) is proposing a new Triennial DBE goal for Federal Fiscal Years 2021-2023. SORTA is required under part 26.45 to consult with identified stakeholders. As a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding, SORTA is required to comply and is committed to fulfilling its goals under this program.

The DBE Administrator for SORTA is responsible for administering SORTA’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program. The program is designed to help ensure DBE firms have a level playing field and equal opportunity to participate in SORTA’s contract opportunities.SORTA works to promote and encourage the inclusion of socially and economically disadvantaged businesses in SORTA’s procurements.

As a part of our community, we would like to invite you to consult with us and give feedback prior to finalization of our 2023 DBE Goal Methodology.  SORTA will be holding virtual webinars and in-person meetings for comment on the proposed goal.  Meetings will be held on the following dates/times:

The program is designed to help ensure DBE firms have a level playing field and equal opportunity to participate in SORTA’s contract opportunities.  SORTA works to promote and encourage the inclusion of socially and economically disadvantaged businesses in SORTA’s contracting.