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States that invests in #publictransit know that it pays big dividends to its workers!

Here is the second Ohio transit fact in celebration of Ohio Loves Transit Week.
It's Ohio Loves Transit Week! 

To celebrate, we've partnered with the Ohio Public Transit Association and prepared some interesting facts about Ohio's transit system to share throughout the week!

Ohio’s transit systems provide nearly 71 million trips each year — with Metro contributing 13.6 million rides to that total in 2024. Businesses, communities, individuals, and families–everyone benefits from public transportation, an essential service that enhances economic development, ensures sustainable lifestyles and a higher quality of life.

To thank existing riders and encourage new riders to give Metro a try, Metro will hand out a limited number of free ride tickets at noon on Thursday, Feb. 13, at Government Square and Fountain Square.

Riders of Metro are encouraged to share on social media how public transit impacts their lives using the hashtag #OhioLovesTransit.
Happy Birthday to Rosa Parks, who would have turned 112 today.

Her quiet courage on a Montgomery bus in 1955 ignited a movement that reshaped history. In 1999, Metro honored her legacy when then-CEO Paul Jablonski presented her with a 'Lifetime Metro Bus Pass'—a symbolic gesture recognizing her profound impact on public transit and the fight for equality. Today, we celebrate her enduring legacy and the path she paved for generations to come.