Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund

Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund
In May 2020, the residents of Hamilton County voted to replace Cincinnati Metro’s existing funding model, which relied primarily on the city’s earnings tax, with a new funding structure. Effective January 2021, a 0.8% sales tax will fund SORTA for the next 25 years.
75% of the sales tax levy (or 0.6%) funds Metro’s bus service operations and capital costs. The remaining 25% (0.2%) funds infrastructure improvements such as road, bridge and sidewalk improvements that fall within Metro’s service area and benefit bus service.
Current Applications
Fiscal Year 2024 Grant Applications
Metro is currently accepting applications for the fourth cycle of the Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund (MTIF). These grants aim to support various transit-related improvements, including road, bridge, and sidewalk enhancements within ¾ mile of Metro’s service area in Hamilton County.
Application Guidelines
Hamilton County and all municipalities and townships in Hamilton County are eligible to apply for grants. The Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund Applicant Guidelines provide details on the grant program and the application process.
Download the 2024 applicant guidelines.
Download the 2024 application.
Download the 2024 application checklist.
Download the 2024 project selection criteria.
Download the Bus Stop Guidelines.
Download the Bus Route Information Files.
The Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund program was established to manage the portion of the sales tax levy (the 0.2%) allocated to roadway infrastructure.
- The goal of the program is to assist localities within Hamilton County in improving the state of their roadway infrastructure
- Improve overall mobility for Hamilton County residents by providing grant funds to roads that are within Metro’s service area
Applicant Guidelines
Hamilton County and all municipalities and townships in Hamilton County are eligible to apply for grants. The Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund Applicant Guidelines provide details on the grant program and the application process.
2024 Application guidelines coming soon.
Eligible Projects
Infrastructure projects eligible for consideration must be within ¾ mile of a Metro fixed transit route – excluding stretches on limited access highways, classified as Class 1, such as I-275, I-75, I-74 and I-71.

Any questions regarding the Transit Infrastructure Fund may be directed to Khaled Shammout, Chief Strategic Planning, Development and Innovation Officer, at or by phone at 513-632-7671.
Project Approval
The Transit Infrastructure Fund program is being administered by SORTA staff. Transit Infrastructure Fund applications will be scored by an evaluation committee designated by SORTA. Final approval of selected projects will be granted by the OPWC District 2 Integrating Committee.
Previous Projects
Fiscal Year 2023 Grants Awarded
Metro has awarded $27 million for 29 projects across Hamilton County municipalities in the third round of Transit Infrastructure Fund grants. SORTA accepted applications for this round between March 1 and May 31, 2023. In August, the Metro Board of Trustees designated the recipients and sent them to the Hamilton County Integrating Committee for final review and approval. Funds will be dispersed in Q1 2024.
Fiscal Year 2022 Grants Awarded
Metro has awarded nearly $40 million for 36 projects across 26 Hamilton County municipalities in the second round of Transit Infrastructure Fund grants. SORTA accepted applications for this round between April 1 and June 30, 2022. In September, the Metro Board of Trustees designated the recipients and sent them to the Hamilton County Integrating Committee for final review and approval. In November, the Integrating Committee gave final approval.
Fiscal Year 2021 TIF Award Recipients
Congratulations to the 22 Hamilton County communities that were awarded grants for 30 infrastructure improvement projects during the inaugural round of transit infrastructure funding!
The Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund program was established to manage the portion of the sales tax levy (the 0.2%) allocated to roadway infrastructure.
- The goal of the program is to assist localities within Hamilton County in improving the state of their roadway infrastructure
- Improve overall mobility for Hamilton County residents by providing grant funds to roads that are within Metro’s service area
Applicant Guidelines
Hamilton County and all municipalities and townships in Hamilton County are eligible to apply for grants. The Metro Transit Infrastructure Fund Applicant Guidelines provide details on the grant program and the application process.
2024 Application guidelines coming soon.
Eligible Projects
Infrastructure projects eligible for consideration must be within ¾ mile of a Metro fixed transit route – excluding stretches on limited access highways, classified as Class 1, such as I-275, I-75, I-74 and I-71.

Project Approval
The Transit Infrastructure Fund program is being administered by SORTA staff. Transit Infrastructure Fund applications will be scored by an evaluation committee designated by SORTA. Final approval of selected projects will be granted by the OPWC District 2 Integrating Committee.
Any questions regarding the Transit Infrastructure Fund may be directed to Khaled Shammout, Chief Strategic Planning, Development and Innovation Officer, at or by phone at 513-632-7671.