100% ADA-accessible

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) was passed to remove the physical barriers that have kept people with disabilities from fully participating in society.
The ADA states that Metro’s regular bus service should be the primary means of public transportation for everyone, including people with disabilities. Under the ADA, Access serves as a “safety net” only for those people who do not have the functional capability to ride Metro buses. Disability alone does not qualify a person to use Access under the ADA.
Access service area and hours of operation are based on regular Metro service. Access service is limited to operation within 3/4 of a mile of regular (non-express) Metro service and within the hours of regular (non-express) Metro service.
Accessible Fixed Route Buses
Did you know that Metro operates accessible buses on all city bus fixed routes? Accessibility features include:
- Low floor buses with a boarding ramp that can be deployed
- A kneeling feature that lowers the bus closer to the curb
- Wheelchair securement locations
- Priority seating at the front of the bus
- Bus stop announcements that are both audible and visual
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Animals on Metro
All service animals are allowed to ride Metro buses without paying an additional fare. All other animals that are kept as pets, such as dogs, cats, etc., may be brought on board the bus in a pet carrier that can be purchased at any pet store or retail store.